Used Electric Cars for Sale in Wyoming State

3 cars found
$5,602 $98/mo.
Mileage: 51,574 mi.
Location: Cheyenne, WY
Dealer: Ken Garff Cheyenne
$19,994 $348/mo.
Mileage: 29,187 mi.
Location: Casper, WY
Dealer: Vista Toyota
$36,995 $644/mo.
Mileage: 16,314 mi.
Location: Cheyenne, WY
Dealer: Halladay Subaru

What is the average price for used electric cars in Wyoming and how many are for sale?

  • Available
    A total of 3 cars for sale are available.
  • Average
    $20,863 is the average price.
  • Сheapest
    The price is starting from as low as $5,602.
  • Most Expensive
    The most expensive cars cost up to $36,995.